Role: President
Current Employer / Position: Lee & Associates; Principal
Years Involved: ~6
What value do you get from being engaged with CSCMP?
Networking, relationship growth (personally and professionally), updates on internal workings of various business operations that help me better relate to my clients and add value, staying relevant.
What value do you get from being a member of the board?
We basically run a small business. I enjoy learning about the inner-workings of how to operate a successful organization: what it takes to gain and retain membership, how to market ourselves accordingly, how to host events that our audience wants to come to, and how to set us up for sustained growth in a rapidly expanding industry. It’s like any other volunteer organization in that you get out of it, what you put in. No sense being involved if you’re not ‘up to your eyeballs’ and motivated to be there.
Why did you initially get involved with CSCMP?
To win new business, meet like-minded supply chain contacts, develop more as a leader / grow personally and professionally, stay up-to-date with current supply chain events/topics, help give back to the supply chain world.
What is your favorite CSCMP memory / event / other?
Two things: 1) Leadership Forum in Chicago – great to meet many other Roundtable Presidents from across the country and the riverboat architectural tour is awesome; and 2) Our 1st Porsche Experience Center Event when I was VP of Programs – everyone loved it.
Other advice/insight?
Communication (early and often) and planning far enough in advance or ‘looking ahead’ have been a couple of the big takeaways from helping run this successful organization.