April Fools!

Ok…. If you’ve read this far, we got you. Might as well continue reading!

Leaders in Supply Chain x Scholarship Award

While we don’t have magic to solve your problem, you can listen to our panelists with diverse expertise, business models and experience. Scroll pass the flyer to see what incredible problems our leaders have been solving. CSCMP #1 goal is to educate.

The panel will discuss:

  • Career strategies
  • Education
  • How businesses are operating in the current supply chain landscape.

Then, Join us in the next reason why CSCMP exists! Supporting the next generation of supply chain professionals through scholarships. $7,500 in scholarship will be awarded to the most deserving students.

<< Click the flyer to register today

If you’re an avid wizardry fan, this wand is available by googling “custom magic wand”.

Happy April Fools!